Hello hello. So you're probably thinking "Whats that horrid awful monstrosity
at the top of this page???? It wan't here before.. God, is it ever butt ugly.
I would NEVER want that piece of crap cluttering up my beautiful BtVS page!!
THE COLOURS!! They are giving me migranes!! Oh no!! Make it go away!!!!!
AHHHHH!!!" Well, you're not the only one who got that reaction. I nearly
had a heart attack. Anyway, after sending loads of hate mail about that
ugly banner (which they won't take away) I've decided to switch sites.
I've just got a new account at Crosswinds and I'm busy transferring all the
stuff there. In the mean time, I have a contest open where you write the most
horrid death threats about that ugly banner to the people of Fortunecity and
send me a copy. The best one wins a prize!! And what is that you ask??
You get the password to go see my site in progress, you get the address to
download the ultimate BtVS theme, and the mystery prize (everyone ooh's and aww's)
SO do it!! Luv ya!! [email protected] (notice the CROSSWINDS part? heh heh!!)